23 September 2009

fall in....

the army is being assembled, slowly but surely... APE 2009... 17 & 18 october 2009... featuring justin liebe, corey granados, & the legendary marvin jackson... tables 137 & 138... more coming...

16 September 2009

knock knock....

Before long, the United States is Japan.
I have paid the price of my results.

gojira... remixd 3.5inchbullmarkminirepo.

01 September 2009

show's going on the road again....

finally confirmed! i will once again be making the trek up north for Alternative Press Expo, 17 &18 October at the The Concourse Exhibition Center in San Francisco. This time my comrade Corey Granados will coming along for the ride. check us at Table numbers 137 & 138... more details to follow...